Webinar: Scientific Visualisation at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
EuroHPC User Day 2024

EPICURE Project featured at Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 (ASHPC24)

From June 10 to 13, scientists and technicians with a background and interest in HPC gathered for the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 (ASHPC24). The event, which took place in Grundlsee, promoted the discussion and sharing of knowledge related to the various aspects of supercomputing and current research results in this area. The initiative succeeded in providing participants with an overview and update on the evolution of HPC in Europe.


Teo Prica, from the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) and a researcher at EPICURE, took part in the event with a talk entitled “Development and supporting activities on EuroHPC Vega,” where he presented the project, introduced its services and explained how HPC users could take advantage of the services.


The presentation can be found here.

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